Megan is a proud Wisconsinite, she currently lives in Ghana; a country with the greatest mangoes on earth and an almost nonexistent cheese supply. After spending two years in Sydney, she claims to speak fluent Australian even though people tell her that it’s not exactly a résumé worthy skill. Apart from moving around a lot, her hobbies include watching home renovation shows, going to the beach, and eating non spicy Mexican food. You’ll get along great if you also like exploring waterfalls or if you pretend to be interested when she shows you photos of her dog.
Megan went to college 90 minutes away from her home town, arriving with zero intention of studying abroad. There was no way she was leaving home behind for four months with no option to visit on the weekend. One afternoon her roommate asked her to go to a study abroad information session, and she went along simply for the company. Within two weeks of leaving that session she had switched to an international studies major and (much to her parents’ dismay) was applying to study abroad in Uganda. There was no going back!
Shruti is an international educational development professional currently working in Asia. She has always dreamt about providing marginalized children around the world with access to quality educational opportunities, and she continues to work towards achieving this dream. She has no idea how to answer the questions “Where are you from?” or “Where is home for you?” because she grew up living in 8 different countries. However, she is a proud Texan and Indian at heart. Saying that she is passionate about traveling would be an understatement. Having visited over 200 cities in 38 countries on 6 continents, she was born to travel and lives to travel.
Apart from her first love of traveling, she enjoys eating spicy food, watching TV shows and movies, reading books (huge Harry Potter fan), dancing (Bollywood and Bharatnatyam – Indian Classical Dance), hiking and spending time outdoors (particularly in the mountains). But, at the end of the day, what she values the most is her family and friends who have stood by her side throughout all of life’s adventures!
Shauna is a twenty-something contradiction of herself. She is a logistically driven free spirit, a curious yet judgmental observer, as well as an over-thinker who dreams of simplicity. Once a delicate flower, now enthusiastically plays up the raw and fed-up-with-it-all New York attitude. She sees beauty in cities and culture and enjoys one-on-one human connection best. A perfect day is wandering through New York’s vibrant streets, her ideal place to live, however, she currently resides in her own head.
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